Magnesium-Calcium Premix Powder

Cal-Mag Citrate

Magnesium and calcium work synergistically in the body’s muscle cells – magnesium causes muscle fibers to relax, while calcium causes them to contract – helping to prevent muscle cramping and supporting healthy heart rate and rhythm (the heart is a muscle too!).

The ratio of calcium-to-magnesium in Cal-Mag Citrate is ideal for individuals who want a higher amount of calcium but, due to magnesium’s potential laxative effect, can’t tolerate an equal amount of magnesium.

Because of the highly absorbable forms of these two minerals, you get higher amounts of essential minerals and minimize capsule fatigue.

Why is calcium important?

Studies on calcium and bone mass show that daily supplementation of a well-absorbed form of calcium promotes bone mass in adolescents, young adults, older men, and postmenopausal women.

How to use?

Start with 5g (1 teaspoons) a day for the first week. Continue with 5-6g a day.

Mixing with juice, smoothies or simply water.

Why is magnesium important?

  • Magnesium is crucial for the body to function properly because magnesium is involved in more than 600 of the body’s enzymatic reactions.
    •  Magnesium is essential for the health of the heart and blood vessels, brain, bones, muscles, and lungs. It also supports healthy blood sugar levels.
    •  It enhances the relaxation of smooth and skeletal muscles.
    •  Magnesium is a cofactor, along with multiple enzymes, in cellular energy production.
  • Not recommended for pregnant and breast-feeding women as well as children 0-16 years of age